
403(b)-457b Distribution

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403b/457b Distribution Form

This form is for anyone wishing to move their 403(b)/457(b) funds out of the plan either to yourself or as a rollover.

403(b) Exchange Form

Click image to download the

403(b) Exchange Form

Use this form to initiate an exchange (or transfer) of 403(b) funds from a previous investment provider to another within your employer’s 403(b) retirement plan.

Salary Reduction Agreement

Click image to download the

Salary Reduction Agreement Form

Use this form to start, change or stop your salary reduction contributions to your retirement account.

457(b) Transfer Form

Click image to download the

457b Transfer Form

Use this form to initiate a transfer of 457(b) funds from a previous investment provider to another within your employer’s 457(b) retirement plan.

403(b) Hardship

Click image to download the

403b Hardship Form

Use this form to request a distribution from a 403(b) account to help cover the cost of certain hardship situations. Proof of the financial hardship is required for approval.

457b Unforseeable Emergency

Click image to download the

457b Unforeseeable Emergency Form

Use this form to request a distribution from a 457(b) account to help cover the cost of life’s unforeseeable emergencies. Proof of the financial hardship is required for approval.

403(b)-457b Loan

Click image to download the

403b/457b Loan Form

Use this form to request a loan from your 403(b) and/or 457(b) plan.